Training: Meaning, Definition and Types of Training

Training: Meaning, Definition, and Types of Training 

Education is a fundamental concept for the development of human capital. It aims to develop a particular ability through instruction and practice to the desired standard. Education is an extremely helpful instrument that helps an employee to do his job properly, efficiently and conscientiously. Education improves an employee's knowledge and skills for a specific job.

Definition of Training:

The concept of Dale S. Beach is "an orchestrated process by which people learn information and/or skills for a particular purpose." Education refers to the training and learning programs that are carried out primarily to help members of an organization develop and to contribute to their work and organization the expertise, abilities, skills, and attitudes necessary.

According to Edwin Flippo, ‘training is the act of increasing the skills of an employee for doing a particular job’.

Need for Training:

Every organization should provide training to all the employees irrespective of their qualifications and skills.

Specifically, the need for training arises because of the following reasons:

1. Environmental changes: 

Many changes were carried out by mechanization, computerization, and automation, requirings sufficient skills from qualified staff. The organization should train employees with the latest technology and knowledge to enrich them.

2. Organizational complexity:

Many organizations have become very dynamic with modern inventions, technical up-gradation, and separation. The teamwork issues have been intensified. Education has, therefore, become mandatory to cope with the complexities.
3. Human relations:
Every management has very good human relations and education has become one of the basic requirements for dealing with human problems.

4. To match employee specifications with the job requirements and organizational needs:

Regardless of past experience and skill, the specification of an employee may not exactly meet the needs of the job and of the organization. There is always a difference between the current standards of an employee and the requirements of the organization. Training is necessary to fill this gap.

5. Change in the job assignment:

Training is also needed if the existing employee is promoted or moved to a higher level to another department. The equipment of the old workers with new techniques and technology is also necessary for training.

Importance of Training:

In this changing environment, the education of staff and managers is absolutely essential. It is an important HRD activity that helps employees to improve their skills. Education offers workers several benefits, such as productivity and performance growth, self-confidence development and self-management support.

The stability and progress of the organization always depend on the training imparted to the employees. Training becomes mandatory under each and every step of expansion and diversification. Only training can improve the quality and reduce the wastages to the minimum. Training and development are also very essential to adapt according to changing the environment.

Types of Training:

Different types of training for employees may be provided, including induction training, refreshing training, training at the job site, vestibule training and promotion training.

Some of the commonly used training programs are listed below:

1. Induction training:

Sometimes called instruction training for new hires, to help them to familiarize themselves with the organization's internal environment. This allows workers to know how this company is functioning, its code of conduct and its policies.

2. Job instruction training:

This preparation provides an overview and the whole job is illustrated by professional instructors. Upon evaluating their results, additional training is provided to employees.

3. Vestibule training:

It is the training for an employee on actual work but carried out apart from the workplace.

4. Refresher training:

Such training is offered to take the latest development into account in a particular field. This training is given to enhance employee skills. This program can also be used to benefit an employee.

5. Apprenticeship training:

Apprentice is an employee who under a supervisor spends a specified length of time.

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