Ergonomics: Useful notes on Ergonomics

Ergonomics: Useful notes on Ergonomics

The term ergonomics derives from the Greek word ' ergon' and' nomos,' which means, in combination,' job law.' And ergonomics seeks to establish regulations for different works. Without the idea of ergonomics, the impact of safety and health on efficiency can not be addressed correctly.
Achieving desirable working conditions or working environments is the core area of the study of ergonomics. This is done through the most effective use of the physical and psychological features of the worker. This, therefore, covers a very broad area from the initial conception to the ultimate objective, namely production facilities.
The increasing awareness of ergonomics nowadays shifted the focus, through proper selection and preparation, from a generally accepted approach to fitting a man to his machine, to the fitting of the most men who work with them.
The latest approach, however, is of compromising nature i.e. fit man and machine together:
Ergonomics was built through the study when the researchers focused on improving the working environment to minimize exhaustion and tension of the operator. The practitioners must have sufficient knowledge of engineering science when considering machinery.
But ergonomics can be considered a science of hybridity. The scientific study of the relationship between man and his working environments can thus be described as ergonomics or human engineering. Throughout Ergonomics, a physiologist, psychologist, engineer and biotechnologist combine understanding or expertise. Let us offer some traditional ergonomics concepts after this very introduction.
According to ILO, the aim is to "apply biological human science in conjunction with technical sciences to the worker and his working environment, in order to achieve full productivity satisfaction for the worker."
In accordance with British Standard 3138: 1969, the relation between man and his job, equipment, and environment is "in particular, the use of anatomical, physiological and psychological knowledge leads to the problems of the occupation.

Man-A Part of the Industrial Systems:

An individual is a machine himself. He designs, plans, reconstructs, regulates, operates that man is the dominant aspect of the industrial or plant system.. The successful operation of a plant is closely related with the individual operators/workmen who work together within the enterprise. But man possesses certain characteristics of physiology, sociology, and psychology which both define his capacity and limits for work in a given situation.
It is the responsibility of the industrial engineer to develop the working conditions so that the skilled employees have the best opportunity to do good work efficiently.
To do so he must be well aware of the strengths of individuals, how they can be improved and what prevents good performance. It has specific limits and requires a certain kind of atmosphere and other environmental conditions for material and shielding, as do other components of the device.

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