Man-machine systems: specification, functionality and classifying

Man-Machine Systems: Design, Characteristics and Classification!

Human factors are the interaction between individuals, the workplace or the working environment and equipment in a system. With certain intent, all man-machine systems are made.
This goal is always well established and the system is designed to achieve this goal as effectively as possible. In this respect, it is important to clearly define the working properties of modules and devices, i.e. man and machine.
There is another dimension of a man-machine system that influences system performance to a large degree, though not purely part of it. This is or is what we call the machine climate. The correct alignment between man and machine is a primary goal of ergonomics practice, which benefits the human operator and improves the overall system performance.

1. Characteristics of Man-machine System Are as follows:

(1) The human-machine system consists of the world of the person, machine and device.
(2) It is basically artificial in nature and has been created primarily to accomplish some goal or certain function.
(3) It has specific inputs and outputs that are properly balanced.
(4) The size and complexity differ and the performance of the instruments is diverse.
(5) Man computer system subsystems communicate with the other components and affect them.
(6) If inputs and outputs are properly matched, the man-machine system becomes more efficient.
(7) Unit efficiency influences environmental or unit condition variables.

2. Classification of Man-Machine Systems:

Depending upon size and complexity, man machine systems are of following three types:
(1) Manual Systems:
Essentially, they are structures run by people. Their size is small and versatile within design. The use of basic tools and equipment is based on a human factor and performance. In a manual method, a significant variation is possible since each worker can choose different approach to the same job.
(2) Mechanical Systems:
It is more nuanced and uncompromising in nature than manual systems. The mechanical aspect is powered by power and human activity includes the processing of information, decision-making and control of semiautomatic systems. These systems are quite inflexible by this function. Good examples in his class are a vehicle and machine tool operated by a driver or operator.
(3) Automatic Systems:
An automatic system is known as an automated system in which all work is carried out by automated machines. Operating functions sensitize decision-making and intervention in information processing. It is completely inflexible in nature and can not be used for any other reason than the one it was intended for.
The human factor carries out the control, task planning, repair and maintenance work. Machines are good examples of automated system by an automatic phone exchange, a digital computer, and automatic screw cutting. There is currently no completely reliable automatic system.

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