Stop Watch Time Study: Meaning, Procedure and Equipment

In this article, we will discuss:- 1. Meaning of Stop Watches Time Study 2. The procedure of Stop Watch Time Study 3. Equipment.

Meaning of Stop Watches Time Study:

One of the tools used for Time Analysis is the Stop Watch Time Analysis. This is used to calculate the time an operator takes to complete the work. The stopwatch for the time study should be accurate and should ideally be graduated in decimals so that even up to 0.01 minutes can be recovered.

With a speed of one revolution per minute, a large hand in the stopwatch is turned. The stopwatch dial consists of 100 identical divisions. At a speed of one turn in 30 minutes, the small hand inside the stopwatch turns.

The procedure of Stop Watches Time Study:

The stopwatch procedures for collecting Time Study Data are listed below:
a) Analyze the job in order to determine the quality of the work.

b) Identify key function timing operations.

c) Get the process research department improved procedure.
d) Organize resources and explain to the worker and supervisor the objectives of the time study.
e) Explain details of improved workflow to the worker.
f) Break into elements to distinguish constant elements from variable elements.
g) Monitor and monitor an operator's time.
h) To calculate how many cycles should be measured, the average time or duration can be calculated.
i) Worker's rate of performance during monitoring.
j) Using an output rating metric, measure normal time from observed time.
k) To order to obtain standard time or money, add to the normal time cycle allowance resting and personal allowance and special allowances.
l) Determining standard time by adding normal time and allowances.

Equipment of Stop Watch Time Study:

Stopwatch is one of the key times used to measure a worker's time for completing a job. The stopwatch is an accurate time-measuring equipment that usually runs for half an hour or an hour continuously and records its time with its small hand. One big hand revolution records a minute. Even the scale covering one minute may be calibrated into intervals of 1/ 100th of a minute.

There are three types of stopwatches and they are:
1. Non-fly back stopwatch,
2. Fly back stopwatch, and
3. Split hand or split second type stopwatch.

1. Non-fly back stopwatch:
This stopwatch is used for ongoing timekeeping. When the winding buckle is first pressed, the clock starts, and the long hand starts to move, so when for the second time the winding buckle is pressed, the long hand stops. The hand returns to zero if the winding button is pressed for the third time.

2. Fly back stopwatch:
If two elements have to be timed immediately after the first element, the second element includes a flyback stopwatch. The watch is started and stopped with the aid of a slide when the flyback stops watching.
The hands are moved back to zero by pressing the wind button, but they move straight forward. The diaphragm is used to stop the hand at any point. This clock is used to track the clock continuously.
3. Split-hand stopwatch:
A divided-hand stopwatch is used to improve the accuracy of the timing of two elements and immediately follow the first element and the second element. Beginning of the stopwatch and observation of the first feature.
Once the first elements are complete, the winding button is pressed to stop one hand, and the other hand continues to move. After reading the first part the winding button is pressed again, the stopped hand is rebound and the two hands go hand in hand.

The most important role in setting standard time is the output ranking. The "fair day of work" performance rate is used. When employees do the same job, the common question is "Is an employee doing fast or does he take a longer time deliberately?”. "Performance Classification" is the solution. It means that the output or the efficiency of the worker is measured and compared against the standard level of performance set by the research technician.

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